Music Scene
Upcoming Live Music Listings
About This Group
Welcome to the Pleasanton Music Scene!
This group is a vibrant space for all lovers of live music in Pleasanton. Whether you're a creator, performer, supporter, or venue, this is the perfect place to connect, share, and celebrate our local music scene.
What We Do:
Share Events: Post about upcoming live music events, gigs, and performances happening around Pleasanton.
Live Music Listings: Provide regular updates on live music events in the area.
Collaborate: Connect with fellow musicians, form new collaborations, and discover potential opportunities.
Support Local Talent: Highlight and support our local artists and bands by sharing their music, events, and achievements.
Discuss & Learn: Engage in conversations about music, share tips and advice, and learn from each other's experiences.
Submit Gigs: Submit your gigs here to be featured in our listings.
Group Guidelines:
Respect Everyone: Treat all members with kindness and respect. We are here to support and uplift each other.
Stay On Topic: All posts must be about music in Pleasanton. Keep posts related to live music and events in Pleasanton.
No Spam: Avoid posting unrelated content, self-promotion outside of music, or repetitive messages.
Constructive Feedback: Provide helpful and constructive feedback when critiquing performances or sharing opinions.
Join Us: Be part of our growing community! Whether you’re a seasoned performer, a venue looking to promote events, or just starting, we welcome everyone who shares a passion for live music.